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Rooms Need Character! 6 Easy DIY Room Decor Tips

By: Decorated Life Team |

Details make rooms interesting by adding features, flair and character. Are there any areas in your home that feel a little uninteresting? Would adding something small, detailed and full of character change the way you see or use that space?

Beautiful family room More

Source: Instagram

These simple DIY room decor ideas will help you create features where none existed and cost very little. If your rooms lack character these DIY room decor tips can add personality and give your rooms a lift. Add one or more of these DIY room decor ideas and it will soon look and feel like a different home. 

Add Frames to Mirrors

Adding a mirror to any room will give it character and an added feature. It will also amplify your room’s natural light and make it feel bigger. Look for mirrors that are interesting and unusual. If you prefer a small DIY project, consider adding a frame to a mirror.

curved mirror

Source: Imperfect Interiors

Adding a frame to a mirror is a great way to add character and architectural detail. Frame-less mirrors are often in bathrooms and take up bathroom wall space, so creating something with flair will spice up your bathroom, but you can add a frame to any mirror for your living room, hall way, entry or bedroom.

Though the walls are white, the rooms are bursting with style.

First, a new frame for a bathroom adds color, style and design to any bathroom. You can create your own frame with a simple measure, cut and nail directly into the wall. This creates a framed mirror look without taking down the mirror and starting again.

This next video shows how you can create a frame for just about any mirror, and as the video says, any hardware store will cut your wood pieces for you, so don’t worry if you don’t have a saw. 

Add a pop of color, or texture to get the look you want. You can use wood with crown molding in the corners for a colonial look, distressed wood for farmhouse or choose your own eclectic look. 

Upgrade Your Storage

No matter how old or young your home is only you know whether you have enough functioning storage. This is a great time to look at how your storage works in your pantry, bedroom or hallway and what can make your life easier.

woven bins with labels

source: Honey We’re Home

Take some time to go through each room to reorganize your storage solutions. Do you need a linen closet or more food storage?

91 X5nAwoOL. SL1500

Seagrass baskets

You might only need a few basket organizers to keep things in order, easier to find and use. Convenience is at your finger tips if you take a little time to sort things out and manage them.

Wallpaper and Stencils

Wallpaper and stencils can be used cleverly to make amazing features on a wall, fireplace, kitchen because paint and paper are inexpensive and can still create a huge impact.

mid-century modern wallpaper look

Source: Bloglovin

The old way of using wallpaper and stencils was to add these to a huge space. Think micro-spaces. Add a bold pattern in smaller spaces. Its faster, and can be changed at any time. Its also less expensive.

white stencil

Source: Pinterest

Whether you choose a large floral print, a bold Moroccan stencil or a geometric pattern, you can instantly change the look of your rooms, and even the color of your wall paint with a clever use of these DIY room decor tools. 

Add New Hardware 

Nothing says dated or tired as fast as outdated cabinet hardware. New and older homes can suffer from one or the other.

nickel pulls

Source: DecorPad

A quick way to make your cabinets look instantly more expensive and custom made is by swapping out the hardware. Its also simple and within a couple of hours you can choose from hardware that has a vintage, modern, sleek, farmhouse, copper modern, or industrial look.

Small NYC rental apartment kitchen makeover. #NYC #apartment #smallspaces. Bonus Solution: Working Hardware Megan added sleek, brushed-brass cabinet pulls to give the remaining cabinet fronts an upgrade. For the two nonworking drawers that front the sink, she fitted two extra-long pulls, and now I have a great place to hang dish towels.

Source: Pinterest

You can find unique pulls or knobs online, in hardware stores, vintage stores and at garage sales. 

ceramic knobs

Source: Amazon

Paint Your Doors or Trim

Painting your doors or trim from white basic trim can change the look of your home. Its faster and cheaper than painting your entire home, and you can do sections to create zones.

black trim sets this toom apart

Source: pinterest

Painting the trim matte black, or staining it a warm wood tone can add character. You can use colored trim in smaller spaces, like an entry, hallway or bathroom.

Painted trim, wood smoke by glidden professional

Source: Houzz

Add Brick or Wood Work 

Brick look tiles

Source: Pinterest

Architectural features like brick or wood can add a lot of character to you home. Exposed brick and well-worn barn wood are features you can add with peel and stick materials. They are easy, the quality is improving constantly and they are practically foolproof. 

peel and stick tiles for kitchen

If you feel your home is beyond neutral and feels bland, it could be time to add low costs features that are DIY easy. Even if you do not feel confident to take on large DIY room decor projects, these ideas are simple and have amazing results.